Memories are formed in many ways. Some come from the destination, some from the journey, and some from the company you keep. From our family trip to Xi’an, powerful and poignant memories exist from all three. 思い出は多くのソースから来ています。たとえば、いくつかの旅から、行き先から、そしていくつかのあなたとしている人々からです。私たちの西安の家族旅行から、強力かつ感動的な思い出は、3つすべてから存在しています。
Our journey began at the Shanghai Railway Station. Having enjoyed train travel in Japan and Europe, Pamela arranged an overnight train from Shanghai to Xi'an. It was a noteworthy journey. The facilities were well below standards based on our experience, but pretty comfortable considering China. The family time was excellent! Sleep?...well, that is a different story.
Visiting the Great Mosque in Xi'an opened our eyes to the consequences of ancient trade on the Silk Road and religious tolerance and endurance in China. Muslim traders from the Middle East established bases in Xi'an more than 1000 years ago when China was a dynamic and prosperous great power. Intermarriage mixed the populations, yet a distinct and harmonious Muslim culture thrives in Xi'an today, nearly one million strong.
The faces tell the story: a blend of Persian, Chinese, and Arab heritage spice the food and the environment at the downtown Night Market.
Exploring new places together brings out the best in our family.
A 14 kilometer bike ride on the largest city wall in world provides a fascinating view of Xi'an. Low buildings on the inside and skyscrapers on the outside reflect good city planning. Unfortunately, an insatiable demand for energy and an abundant supply of very dirty coal create an unbelievably thick and dense pollution cloud over the city. Look carefully in the picture and you will see the sun "shining" through the thick gray clouds. Hard to believe people live here...8 million of them!
We liked the Terracotta Warriors. But, I must admit, I am skeptical about some of the "history" of the place. The ratio of infrastructure to archeology is somewhat suspicious...and the role of the tip-collecting "hero" who "discovered" the treasure in 1974 is, well, interesting.... Anyway, we enjoyed climbing around on the ancient artifacts. Just kidding! I wonder if they will ever renew my China VISA again...
See all my posted Xian pictures at:!i=2296129868&k=NG5KhPQ
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