So, yesterday, Jonah traveled with members of his school's Cross Country team to attend the APAC competition in Guam.
There they will compete with athletes from many other schools in the Asia Pacific region, including Japan. Jonah expects to meet up with some of his friends from ASIJ while in Guam. There's even a friend who he knew in Tokyo who has since moved to Manila. She'll be there too, making the reunion even more interesting. I'm proud of Jonah for sticking with his cross country training during this busy time. Getting involved in this kind of running while in your teens seems like a great way to acquire a life-long fitness habit. 昨日、ジョナとクロースカントリーチームと、一緒にグアムに飛行機で、行きました。沢山アシアの学生はグアムに集めます。特別ことは、前の調布の友達たちも行って、一緒に競争してから、楽しみにしていると思います。ラーニングはとてもいい活動と思うので、若い人は習慣を始まったら、全体の生活を元気になって、使えます。
Which leaves me home alone, with Toby. As we have mentioned, this next year... until June, will be different, with Martin setting up house and working in Michigan, and us still here. But I'm not just sitting around with my feet up. Seems that the word has gotten out that I'm pretty capable at tutoring, and I have students every day. Plus I'm still working on the school spirit store website, which is volunteer, but quite a job.

Toby and I usually take three walks a day, and often stay right here in the compound where there are fewer crazy drivers, meaning fewer scooters and cars driving on the sidewalk, that sort of thing. The weather has been so nice lately, right around 70 F. When I'm walking, I think about where my novel is going, and it feels like productive time, even if it never ends up going anywhere. I don't know what Toby thinks about... Chasing balls? Eating French Fries? World Peace? 毎日に、三回に、トビと散歩をしてので、よく家の近くのいます。安心から。近所の外に、トビのために、ちょっと危ないと思うので、いつもバイクとか車とか、歩道で運転をします。最近の天気はよくよいので、21Cです。静かな時間だから、考えます。創作について考えます。 トビは何について考えると思うので、ボールを追う?フレンチフライーを食べて?世界平和?

The kitchen is small, but it has a nice view. And, bonus, it doesn't smell bad! 台所は小さいですが、窓はいいです。視界は満足です。ボーナスは匂いは悪くない!

Being home alone isn't so bad. I finally got things the way I want them in our little apartment. It's kind of an odd idea, but I decided to make the living room into a multi-purpose room by putting my desk and bookshelves next to the windows. I kind of like it. 一人で家にいるので、家は大丈夫です。珍しいだけど、私の考えは大きい部屋は多く目的に用いるの部屋になりました。好きです。
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