This month, I went from being an "unpublished writer working on her first novel" to a "published author"! Taking a break from my novel for a few weeks, I got involved with this terrific project, a multi-genre short story anthology by a group of writers from several parts of the world, many of whom were previously unpublished like myself.

"Knoejaun Knows" was written by , Earl Chessher who is the creative guru and major workhorse behind the bold and innovative Writers' Anarchy Series. Besides being a prolific writer, Earl produces personalized videos for a living, and when he invited me to participate in the project, I couldn't resist.

We read, critiqued and edited each other's work. Several fellow contributers helped me with my story, but certainly the one who suffered through the most revisions with me was Renee' La Viness, who writes mysteries, young adult, and children's books, as well as non-fiction.

Several others critiqued my work, and I theirs. Alex Hurst's first draft (that I saw) was so tight I had only a few edits to suggest. She found many small issues with mine, however, and it was a big help. She also became Earl's right hand man for special projects on the book.

Here's one of the stories that I helped to edit, by Scott Kelly. It felt a little strange for me to offer advice to such a knowledgeable writer, but we only use the suggestions that we agree with, and often the advice will spark additional edits that we hadn't thought of before.

The MULTI-GENRE aspect of this anthology collection is fascinating. Writers' Anarchy is not totally unique in that regard, but it is the largest and most diverse that we know of. This is a great way to sample genres that you have never read. Besides realistic fiction, there is fantasy, horror, comedy, young adult, historical fiction, romance, mystery,and more.

Lulu.com is similar to Amazon, not as old or as big. It's a publisher that specializes in eBooks and paperbacks, with other options. Our eBook version can be downloaded for only $3.50, and the paperback version can be ordered for $17.50 plus shipping. We are told that Amazon will pick up our book for their website when there is enough interest.

Writers' Anarchy on Lulu
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